Hello Lady Parts friends,

Do we have an exciting announcement for you! We have now confirmed that the fabulous Barbara Niven, star of the beautiful lesbian movie, “A Perfect Ending,” and a great ally to our community, will be a special Lady Parts guest for our fourth installment of “Lesbian Movie Club,” in which we’ll be discussing the movie.

WANT TO ASK BARBARA A QUESTION? Email us at LadyPartsVlog at by February 28th. We will select viewer questions to incorporate in our interview.

If you haven’t seen “A Perfect Ending” yet, put it at the top of your watch list (it is streaming on Netflix). Nicole Conn, the filmmaker who brought you “Claire of the Moon” and “Elena Undone,”brings you this beautiful and sensual story of self-discovery.

Also, check out Nicole’s beautiful Marriage Equality PSA spot from 2014, featuring Barbara:

Are you getting excited? Because we sure are!


WE MADE IT! YOU MADE IT! We have reached our goal of $2200 and Lady Parts Plus is now officially happening! Can you tell we’re excited? We hope you’re excited, too.

THE CAMPAIGN IS STILL GOING ON. Perks are still available, and funds are still welcome, as the campaign goal was the very bare minimum we need (plus, Indiegogo keeps some of it for itself).

Every little bit more that you can give us would be great help toward making the new website, new channel and new content even better for you.

So, please go to our campaign page and give as much or as little as you can and get some of the fun perks. Want to chat? Want to be a guest on our Vlog? Want to be featured in our Supporters Hall of Fame? You can still do all of these. Just go to our campaign page and give!

To all our uber-super awesome contributors, we are deeply grateful for your generosity. We will be in touch in the coming weeks about redeeming perks. We are eager to thank you all properly.

So, get ready, folks. Lesbian Movie Club, Post Op: Holby City and Talking Teal are on! And who knows what else the future holds…




Hello Lady Parts friends,

It’s been a week since we launched our Lady Parts Plus Campaign , and we are delighted to report that we have raised 70% of the money we need to reach our goal and make Lady Parts Plus happen.

We are now only $600 away from our destination. If you are able to contribute, we urge you to do it sooner, rather than later. We have great plans for Lady Parts Plus and would like to get to work on it for you.

EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS. So far we’ve gotten major contribution from very few ultra-generous people. We know so many of you have emailed us and written comments in the past about how much you enjoy Lady Parts, and specifically Talking Teal, with all the great interviews, and Post Op: Holby City. Many of you have thanked us for the work we do and said you wanted to see more.

WELL, here is your chance to show us your appreciation for all the work we’ve done so far and here is your chance to make sure Lady Parts Vlogs keep going. It is all up to YOU.

To be clear, if we don’t reach our goal, THE VLOGS WILL HAVE TO END. There will be no more Post Op: Holby City, no Lesbian Movie Club, no new season of Talking Teal, and the regular Lady Parts vlogs will have to be posted less frequently.


We look forward to a year full of great interactive fun. Let’s do this!


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We, Liron Cohen and Mimi Torchin, started Lady Parts, a blog/Vlog dedicated to the women of television and film and the roles they play, as a venue to promote women’s work in the media and to celebrate the shows and films we love.

Over the past couple of years, Lady Parts has grown into a space where fans can gather, share ideas and points of view, and have fun, and our interactive Vlog has become a community we cherish.

This is why we want to be able to keep it going.

However, you all know how much work we put into these Vlogs, and after doing this completely free of charge for two years, we’ve reached the point where the Vlog needs to be able to support itself.

And we’ve found a way to do just that!


We want to bring you your favorite Lady Parts Vlog series, like “Talking Teal,” “Post Op: Holby City,” and “Lesbian Movie Club,” and even expand into more Vlog series (it’s all up to you!), through an extremely affordable and flexible subscription model. SO affordable, it’s ridiculous!

For that, we need YOUR help. We are raising this very minimal amount of money to cover some of the initial costs, so that we can bring you a new and better website, a high quality channel, and a year full of Vlogs!

You’ve enjoyed our interviews and our interactive discussions before. Let’s keep them going!


We have to meet the goal here in order to get started. So, please, give as much or as little as you can (starting with $1 and up!) — and get some fun perks on the way — and use the IndieGoGo sharing tools to spread the word and tell your friends to donate as much as they can, as well.

And once we’ve hit the goal, keep donating if you can. Every little bit helps us give you your favorite Vlogs about your favorite shows and movies.

Let’s do this!

(scroll down for FAQ)


1) Does the backing money only support the campaign, or does it also go towards initial subscriptions?

Backing money only goes toward getting Lady Parts Plus up and running. There are a lot of initial costs that have to be covered. This money also helps to make sure that we can keep subscription fees to a minimum.

2) Is the backing additive? (If I give $25 this month and $75 in Feb before it closes, will there be a way of indicating multiple donations?)

It is our understanding that one can make multiple contributions. That is also a way to claim multiple perks — that must be done as separate contributions.

We understand that some of you would like to give more, but need to do it in “stages.” If a perk is unlimited ($25 & $50) or if one of the limited perks is still available, we will absolutely honor it, even if you had to do it in stages. For example, in this case, if you give $25 and then $75 and one of the ten $100 perks is still available, we will give you a thank you call.

3) If/when the goal is reached before the deadline, and someone still wants to donate, are they eligible for a call, chat, guest spot, or is that a limited time offer?

Our goal here is the very basic amount we must have to get started. However, every bit more would help us get you the best Lady Parts Plus experience right off the bat. This is why the campaign will continue to accept and welcome funds after the basic goal has been met. Perks will continue to be available, and new ones will be added!

4) Will all of the previous Lady Parts Vlogs, including interviews, still be available on YouTube, or will they transition over to Lady Parts Plus?

Any video we currently have on our YouTube channel will remain there and you can access it for free at any time (though, please consider clicking on an ad to help us there, too).

5) Will there be any new Vlogs/stuff added to your YouTube page, or is the new stuff trictly going to be through Lady Parts Plus? 

Yes! Lady Parts Plus will be a special channel for Vlog series (i.e. “Talking Teal,” “Post Op: Holby City,” “Lesbian Movie Club,” etc.) The original Lady Parts YouTube page will continue to be active and provide the general public new Vlogs and also little snippets from new Lady Parts Plus Vlogs.

6) Can I donate from outside the U.S.?

Yes! You can donate from almost anywhere in the world! That’s part of the beauty of Indiegogo, which accepts funds from most countries. That simply means your currency will be converted to dollars when you contribute.

Please let us know if you have any other questions, and we’ll be happy to clarify!

Thank you.

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